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Knoxville, TN    |    August 6–8, 2024

HOME Fundamentals


HOME Fundamentals is a three-day course that provides an overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, including key requirements for each eligible activity type – homebuyer, homeowner rehabilitation, rental, and tenant-based rental assistance.

Raleigh, NC    |    August 27–29, 2024

CDBG Fundamentals Certification


CDBG Fundamentals Certification is a three-day course that provides an overview of the Community Development Block Grant Program, including key requirements for each eligible activity type with the Certification Exam on the last training day.

Cincinnati, OH    |    September 18–19, 2024

Rental Housing Compliance + Exam


This two-day training is focused on the five Ps of compliance, Rental Housing Compliance helps ensure projects serve the right "People" at the right "Price", while maintaining the quality of the "Property" throughout the affordability "Period" – and through it all, getting the "Process" right. An online exam will be given at the end of the training.

Long Beach, CA (Orange County)    |    October 15–16, 2024

Written Agreements


Written Agreements are the keystones of your HOME and CDBG programs – it is the document that locks the pieces of your programs together and upon which your programs can succeed or falter.

Memphis, TN    |    October 22–23, 2024

Building A Monitoring Plan


The Building A Monitoring Plan training is a two-day small-group workshop that provides a hands-on opportunity to develop the monitoring plan you wish you had!

Indianapolis, IN    |    October 30–31, 2024

Financing Permanent Supportive Housing


Are you planning to use your HOME-ARP funds for construction of rental housing? Then please register for our upcoming session on Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). PSH is affordable rental housing combined with support services that enables people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or otherwise unstably housed, to lead more stable lives.

Online    |    November 19–21, 2024

Fundamentals of Financial Management


This three-day online course covers the basics of Financial Management with a focus on implementing 2 CFR Part 200 and the specific challenges HUD CPD grantees face, including grant-based accounting, program income and procurement.

Online    |    December 4, 2024

Refresher Ongoing HOME Rental Housing Compliance + Exam


This course allows prior attendees from TDA’s HOME Rental Compliance to get a refresher on course materials and then take the exam associated with TDA’s new certification in Ongoing HOME Rental Compliance. This abbreviated refresher course is not appropriate for participants who have not taken the full course in the past.

Online    |    December 11, 2024

CDBG Fundamentals Refresher + Exam


This one-day session is an excellent opportunity for personnel engaged in CDBG who have not attended a CDBG Fundamentals training recently. The morning session comprises a recap of CDBG concepts and principles. Following a break, an examination will be conducted in the afternoon.