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Online    |    December 18, 2024

CDBG Fundamentals Refresher + Exam


This one-day session is an excellent opportunity for personnel engaged in CDBG who have not attended a CDBG Fundamentals training recently. The morning session comprises a recap of CDBG concepts and principles. Following a break, an examination will be conducted in the afternoon.

Atlanta, GA    |    January 7–9, 2025

CDBG Fundamentals Certification


CDBG Fundamentals Certification is a three-day course that provides an overview of the Community Development Block Grant Program, including key requirements for each eligible activity type with the Certification Exam on the last training day.

Online    |    January 16, 2025

Cost Allocation in HOME & HTF Rental Projects


This is a one session training. When funding multi-unit projects, how do you know which units are your HOME units? Which ones are your Housing Trust Fund units? HOME regulations require Participating Jurisdictions to identify and allocate eligible costs among HOME-designated units within a project. Similarly, Housing Trust Fund regulations require the same review be done by State HTF grantees. Cost allocation reviews guide the determination of how many units must be designated as HOME and HTF units and which units within a project those must be.

San Francisco, CA    |    February 4–6, 2025

HOME Rental Underwriting


GRP, GRO, EGI, NOI, DCR, AMI, NPV, IRR, and ROI... It’s enough to make a grownup cry. This three-day course helps break through the “math phobia” and identify a common framework for underwriting HOME rental projects – preparing PJs (and developers) to ask better questions, make sound decisions, and satisfy their regulatory requirements.

San Antonio, TX    |    February 25–26, 2025

Building A Monitoring Plan


The Building A Monitoring Plan training is a two-day small-group workshop that provides a hands-on opportunity to develop the monitoring plan you wish you had!

Dallas, TX    |    March 4–5, 2025

Financing Permanent Supportive Housing


Are you planning to use your HOME-ARP funds for construction of rental housing? Then please register for our upcoming session on Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). PSH is affordable rental housing combined with support services that enables people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or otherwise unstably housed, to lead more stable lives.

Indianapolis, IN    |    April 8–9, 2025

Written Agreements


Written Agreements are the keystones of your HOME and CDBG programs – it is the document that locks the pieces of your programs together and upon which your programs can succeed or falter.

Online    |    June 12, 2025

Cost Allocation in HOME & HTF Rental Projects


This is a one session training. When funding multi-unit projects, how do you know which units are your HOME units? Which ones are your Housing Trust Fund units? HOME regulations require Participating Jurisdictions to identify and allocate eligible costs among HOME-designated units within a project. Similarly, Housing Trust Fund regulations require the same review be done by State HTF grantees. Cost allocation reviews guide the determination of how many units must be designated as HOME and HTF units and which units within a project those must be.

Memphis, TN    |    July 8–9, 2025

Building A Monitoring Plan


The Building A Monitoring Plan training is a two-day small-group workshop that provides a hands-on opportunity to develop the monitoring plan you wish you had!

Online    |    July 17, 2025

CDBG Fundamentals Refresher + Exam


This one-day session is an excellent opportunity for personnel engaged in CDBG who have not attended a CDBG Fundamentals training recently. The morning session comprises a recap of CDBG concepts and principles. Following a break, an examination will be conducted in the afternoon.

Chicago, IL    |    July 22–24, 2025

HOME Rental Underwriting


GRP, GRO, EGI, NOI, DCR, AMI, NPV, IRR, and ROI... It’s enough to make a grownup cry. This three-day course helps break through the “math phobia” and identify a common framework for underwriting HOME rental projects – preparing PJs (and developers) to ask better questions, make sound decisions, and satisfy their regulatory requirements.

Denver, CO    |    September 9–11, 2025

CDBG Fundamentals Certification


CDBG Fundamentals Certification is a three-day course that provides an overview of the Community Development Block Grant Program, including key requirements for each eligible activity type with the Certification Exam on the last training day. To help participants make sense of it all, the course provides a framework for rules on National Objective basis and ensures that they understand the roles and responsibilities applicable to the CDBG entitlement grantee, its subrecipients, partners, and low-income beneficiaries.