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Philadelphia, PA    |    July 9–11, 2024

HOME Rental Underwriting


GRP, GRO, EGI, NOI, DCR, AMI, NPV, IRR, and ROI... It’s enough to make a grownup cry. This three-day course helps break through the “math phobia” and identify a common framework for underwriting HOME rental projects – preparing PJs (and developers) to ask better questions, make sound decisions, and satisfy their regulatory requirements.

Through hands on exercises, participants will have the opportunity to review, manipulate, and improve project assumptions – beginning to apply their own local knowledge to a proforma “based on a true story.” Participants will leave the training with a proforma they can customize for their own projects and learn to recognize how all proformas seek to answer five core questions.

Instructors: Stephen Lathom 

Training Participant Requirements: Participant must bring laptop loaded with MS Excel to the training.

Training Dates and Times: The training is being held on July 9, 2024 through July 11, 2024. Registration on Day 1 8:30am-9:00am. Training on Days One and Two will be held 9:00am-4:30pm. Training on Day Three will be held 9:00am-3:45pm. For more information, please refer to the agenda.

Training Site: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown 1200 Filbert Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-625-2900.

Training Room: Please confirm with front desk.

Meals: No meals will be provided during this training, each participant is responsible for their own meals.