Dawn Lee
Project Manager
Dawn Lee has 20 years of experience providing system and operational level capacity building technical assistance to stakeholders within the homeless and affordable housing sectors.
Dawn is a knowledgeable resource in the development and coordination of regional, organizational and neighborhood plans to address homelessness and affordable housing issues. Her direct experience within the Continuum of Care system has benefited communities across the country optimize their ability to govern, and to plan and execute their homeless reduction and housing stabilization strategies. Dawn also served as CEO of a regional nonprofit charged with expanding and preserving homeownership. In this role, she provided leadership in the development and execution of first-time homebuyer, down payment assistance, home repair, foreclosure prevention, and home acquisition/rehabilitation/resale programs. Dawn leverages her on-the-ground experience in both the homeless services and affordable housing sectors to help break down silos and build linkages in these two areas critical to ensuring a continuum of housing stability. An MBA and extensive corporate management experience complement Dawn’s record of successful community impact.